What is fashion ?

Everyone has heard of fashion, but not everyone can define what fashion is? Fashion is a style that lasts for a very short time, because it lasts for a few years at most, and often only one season, as is the case in the clothing industry, for example. Fashion is invented by a single person or a group of people who have a vision for a particular area. An example is clothing fashion. Although fashion can be about clothing, it can be about various things such as hairstyle, makeup, behaviour, worldview, behaviour, lifestyle, etc.

New trends

New trends have this to do with the fact that they hit an existing niche and when they appear they are immediately caught up by a large number of people. Especially when people notice something new in public. They start to dress, cut, paint, or live in the style promoted by public figures.

Trends in fashion

The trend in fashion usually always arises on social demand. For example, when something needs to be changed or something needs to be stimulated. As was the case in the post-war era, when traditional clothing fashion had to be replaced by a more modern and colourful one as soon as possible. Because the war years and the first years after the war were grey and sad enough. This was also reflected in clothes that were traditional, outdated and grey. That is why the young generation caught up with the hippie fashion very quickly. A subculture was created which wore colourful and interestingly cut clothes and lived according to the principles promoted by the hippie subculture. And these principles spoke of freedom, freedom, joy and a colourful life full of breasts.

Media influence on the mode

Fashion is spread most by the media. Very often what is visible on TV screens, computers or newspapers gains supporters very quickly. People start to model themselves on a given person, e.g. a film character or a stage star. As it was in the past with the career of the famous French fashion designer Christian Dior. Founder of one of the biggest fashion houses in the world. Or Giorgio Armani, who gained fame by sewing clothes for Hollywood stars. The movie stars playing the role of movie heroes and dressing up according to the clothes designed by Armani were pure advertising for the clothes designed by Armani. This immediately made the designer famous and introduced a new fashion for men's clothing, such as matching men's suits. The resulting fashion trend was moving away from wide trousers and hanging men's jackets to fitted men's clothing.
Famous fashion designers of that time also did not forget about women wishing to make them into business women. For it was a time of great economic development in many countries. In order to make it easier for women to match the business and career of the male population, suits were also designed for them. It was a garment consisting of trousers and a jacket, but less fitted than a male suit. Such a woman was to fight for equality in terms of gaining managerial positions in corporations or gain a better image by becoming a businesswoman.

Style and fashion

The most important thing in fashion design is to feel the moment. That is, notice what is in demand. In the times after the Second World War there was a demand for freedom, freedom and diversity. A little later, when the destroyed countries were rebuilt and the economy started to develop, there was a need to create an image of a strong, serious man who knew what he wanted. It was necessary to show his strength and determination in the fight for, for example, managerial positions. That's why a hard fashion for women was created, based on men's clothing. Today, fashion is also constantly changing. Only style remains constant. Because if someone has their own style, they rarely leave it. Because style is the same as fashion.

Stylish shoes

Fashion is basically the same as rounded, with only minor additions or changes. Because fashion has this to do with itself that it likes to come back after a while. Over the years the style of shoes has remained the same. Stylish shoes that change slightly are pins. For many years shuttles are very similar and we all love them all the time. The pins just have something in them. Styles, generations and fashion are changing and the pins remain a classic elegant women's shoe.