Selecting the right footwear is more difficult the more choice we have. Today, there are so many shoes on the market that we will never be able to choose the right pair in detail, which is the only one that meets our requirements. There are plenty of possibilities, so every girl can choose the shoes that will make her feel good. Shoes on the platform will mainly be a solution for lower ladies who want to look taller, but also for those who need to look good every day. The platform is a rather fluid concept here, because some people consider it to be a platform for the anchor. There should be a distinction between a platform and a curtain. A platform is a lift in a precisely defined part of a shoe, usually under the toes. A backstay is a lift under the whole shoe, and the largest under the heel. Shoes on the platform are therefore not synonymous with boots on the platform. Shoes on a platform are very hard to walk on, so it will be a solution aimed primarily at women, who can walk in such shoes and who feel very good in such a model. In many cases they are chosen as wedding shoes, but only when the bride has some other shoes on smaller heels for the future edition. It is not easy to imagine someone dancing all night in such uncomfortable shoes and at the same time in very many cases in a very uncomfortable dress. Therefore, wedding shoes on a platform, if they are worn, are only for church and during the first two or three hours of the wedding, while later they are changed to more comfortable shoes. We invite you to see the current wedding shoes offer